Women’s Day
A flotilla of #justboobs
make a splash for equality
on International Women’s Day.
Art Direction & Design.
Boobs were banned from Tumblr in an effort to clean it up. It listed 'female-presenting nipples” in it's list of porn images that would be taken down. Instagram has famously banned women's nipples but not men’s. In an era that superficially seemed to me more liberal than ever it occurred to us that boobs are more policed and judged than ever.
Augmented and photoshopped, not allowed to sag, hang wonky, or show at all, (and, if so, they better be perfect). This is strange to half the population that just 'has' them in various forms, sure as we have a nose or a knee. So on Woman's Day 72andSunny released some giant floating boobs of various sizes in the canal to address this. Ms. Fake, Ms. Weird, Ms. Saggy, Ms. Tiny, Ms. Hairy all went for a day out in the canal and the #Justboobs campaign was born.
There have been other boob campaigns and I hope there are many more. I challenge someone to one up us all. Perhaps a massive boob-shaped hot air balloon for women's automation over their own body. Fly it with an all female crew! If we're really dedicated to moving the message forward and promoting the normalisation of this body part with a purpose and a point of view we have to do it together, and continually. So that’s why, in this instagram culture we live in, the more images the better, stretching the definition of ‘normal’ and what that means - and if we care.
Let’s continue, not celebrating or empowering but just normalising boobs. And in turn, the part of the population that has them as part of our regular functioning bodies. Let’s desexualise them and make them a regular icon, a symbol of humanity rather than a titillation (pun intended). Boobs don’t exist solely for men’s pleasure, they just exist, and everyone should be more comfortable with that.
Yes Boobs!

The boobs were created with recycled biodegradable foam, painted with non-toxic eco paint and built by local artists.

After the stunt they were removed from the canals and currently live at the 72andSunny office until their transport to the ‘Boob Museum’ coming soon